Sunday, November 09, 2008

A Date at the Highlands; The Freezing Moment

Last Wednesday, November 5, 2008. After my class, we went to Tagaytay for a road trip. I didn't bother telling anyone about it since I know I wouldn't be permitted to go anyway. Besides, I got home by 10:30 so I guess it's ok. It's just a last minute idea when we're about to go home. By the time we got there, we took our separate ways, so Klau and I tried to find a decent fine dining experience while we we're there. We ended up in a steak house (I think it was named as such if I am not mistaken)

The food and ambiance is great. The music is soothing and the place is, well, great. We ordered Garlic Mushroom and Chicken with Flakes. I love the way it was cooked and the aroma was like no other.

The cocktails are of great deals as well. So for an amount of 750 Php, you're already set for a romantic date bagged with great experiences at the highlands of Tagaytay. Definitely a nice fine dining experience.

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