Hello everyone,
Its ironic that I introduced my blog to you and the contents you may find from here on yet I haven't introduced myself yet as your editor/author. I apologize for the rudeness so here goes.
I am Alvin, an engineering student at MIT. Yes I am an engineer in the making, and in my 21 years of life I have never thought of anything but to save myself from boredom. So, yes, I am bored with the course I took so every now and then I equip myself with anti-boredom activities that will make me continue with the path that I took. Though I am easily bored, I doubt you'll see that in me. Even my friends never saw that side in me. Why? it's simply because I have the ability to make the most out of everything that has been given to me. It comes so natural for me to play along with every detail of what seems to be nothing to others. So leave me alone, come back after some time, you wont see me bored at all unless I am pissed off.
I said earlier that whenever I am bored, I equip myself with anti-boredom activities. Funny but one of those activities that I usually choose to do is to day dream. Some say that its a bum's way of doing the things you want. But I say, its actually a way of planning things head on, with the disclaimer flag saying "well, it might come true so you better be ready but if not, well, at least your happy". Hmm, now that I said it, it sounds like a bum but who cares, at least I AM HAPPY ayt?
I usually hear myself humming to songs I am in to. My passion lies in music and I admire those who are passionate about it as well. Then why not be a singer? or a musician? Well, passion alone is like a heart with no beat. It's not enough to place myself in a pedestal of my choice. You see, I have the heart but never the talent, or so I believe. I can hear myself sing but I am easily intimidated by those who can sing better. I hate regrets so I never actually regret the fact that I should have pursued a different career. A career where music is not an option, but the exact answer to questions.
So with this blog, I share my other side. My side where music is a beat of my heart followed by another until it creates a life, and pooooooooooof, I am alive. Music lovers out there, I love to hear from you! Well, I guess this is a pretty long entry already. Ciao!
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